
The Healing Power Within: Carla Speaks Again; Chapter Three

Reiki blog image "I just finished a Reiki Fusion  session with Cynthia. It was very tough for me. It surprised me with how quickly I began to see images within. It began with more of a feeling, like pure energy being held in a box. But then I saw swirly party ribbons with long white balloons that had bright flowers on them. They were all over the place and moving with the energy that I was feeling within. Cynthia asked me what else...

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Wake Up! (Important revelations included)

Reiki blog image Are you dream walking?  Do you feel powerless, controlled by someone more powerful than you?  Do you want to wake up from this nightmare to the powerful person you really are?  Let me explain how I would like to approach this today: As a result of my near death experience I knew that I was Spirit  embodied.  (Please see You Tube:  Near death experience, Soul Journey channel by Cynthia M Chase and Subscribe

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Breath is Life: Carla Chapter Two

Reiki blog image Here is Carla’s description of her experience of Reiki Fusion:   “Lying on my stomach, on the message table, I felt blocked. I felt like a brick with no way to ever break through. It was how I always felt, hopeless.   As the session started I felt like it was going to be a long silent moment. What if I didn’t have anything to say? What if I didn’t feel a thing? When Cynthia placed her hands on my feet, I...

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There are No Words: Carla chapter One

Reiki blog image There are many forms of abuse, that is, when one person hurts another causing pain, trauma and suffering.  Recently I have talked about adult relationships and how one party overpowers or bullies the other. Their partner unconsciously colludes with the abuser, sometimes unknowingly giving their own power to the bully. What happens when a child is overpowered (by nature the power valance is skewed since the child is dependent and th

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How can I forgive?

Reiki blog image New  you begin to see the true nature of the abusive relationship you have been in. Colored glasses off, the clarity is blinding. It is like flying above the devastation of an earthquake and fire. Down below is wreckage, vast stretches of ash and rubble.  The world you tried to create is gone.

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I'm Breathing Now (forth impression)

Reiki blog image I had to go deep. I look back at my own mother. Since I was born she hated my father and spewed venom on him, as they lived together in hate for their entire marriage. I saw the model of a 'marriage' as hateful, vindictive and contemptuous. I vowed I would never be like my mother, but here I am. Now that I know this, it has changed me.  I re-created my mother's life and I have a choice now...

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I Own It (Third Impression)

Reiki blog image I always knew it wasn't right. I ignored my knowing. Maybe he was just having a bad day, or he drank too much. He just lost his mother, or his ex-wife wasn't nice to him. I made excuses for everything he did. In the beginning it was coming from a loving and compassionate place. I am a loving Mom, so I took care of him, somebody else's kid. On a cellular level I knew there was something wrong with him,...

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Hatred Overwhelms Me (Second Impression)

Reiki blog image Addendum to the last post: "The fog is beginning to lift. I am raw and bleeding.  Hatred has replaced fear now. It is as though hatred has taken on a life of its own.  It consumes me like a fire.  It permeates every cell of my body.  I am deeply embarrassed by the years of pain and hiding.  But isn't that what he wanted? I lost my voice.  He systematically, brick by brick, took down the found

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"I did this!"

Reiki blog image Here is the transcript of a therapy session with a client who is suffering from an extended abusive relationship.  The next blog will attempt to answer some of the questions raised by her disturbing story. "I fear change.  I tried to prevent his explosions by going along with his abuses.  He trained me to keep quiet while at the same time his viciousness escalated.  I kept his secret, but I didn't even know it.

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Why is it so hard to let go?

Reiki blog image You know you have been disrespected.  You know what happened is not right.  You know that you "should" just walk on, so why is it so hard to let go? The longer you hang on (in person or in your head)  the more the fabric of your self is shredded and bloody.  You know that.  You know you were used.  You know you were toyed with, at the same time as you poured the dreams into a vesse

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Coming back Home

Reiki blog image It may be hard to imagine that we avoid our lives, but think about it.  How easy is it to get caught up in everyday life, in all the things that we have to "do."  The lists, the errands, the running here and there.  It is almost as though we are set on automatic pilot, robotic.  Experiencing life from the inside is a very different matter.  Just sitting and listening to that "small voice" deep inside may at first be...

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Hypnosis Session for Empowerment

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Your Most Important Relationship

Reiki blog image Yes, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself.  You are there from the moment of your birth to the moment of your death.  You have the opportunity to be intimate with you, to love you, to be your own best friend, to care for you and to listen to your thoughts, feelings and dreams.  You have dynamic assertive, masculine urges, and also nurturing, soft, feminine and opening part

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You Can Balance your Head and Heart

Reiki blog image Every choice we makes creates the fabric of our lives:  it is how we create our very reality.  You often hear "follow your heart" as advice when it comes to personal relationships.  While that may be good advice if your heart is clear, if it has been twisted by betrayal and hurt, it can lead in the wrong direction.  Check out your motivation:  is it fear or love based.  For example, do

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Creating a Crystal Grid for release of negativity and an opening to Authentic Empowerment

Reiki blog image   Do you wonder what you can do for yourself in order to move beyond the limitations of your dysfunctional relationship with yourself and your significant other?  Do you feel blocked and want to move beyond  self-limiting beliefs that keep you in an abusive or limiting relationship?  Energy blockages in your body can keep you down and stuck. Everything is energy!  Thoughts, feelings, memories, pain, heartbreak, everything is held in (and around

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